Decorando o Natal 🌲Christmas Decoration🎄
🌲Todo 17 de Outubro as celebrações do aniversário 🎂 da saudosa mestra Eugenia Feodorova sempre nos unia na academia de ballet 🎉que nos deu a família da 💃 dança. Cada aluna(o) saía de onde estivesse no mundo 🌍pra nos encontrarmos naquela data em Copacabana. Era o dia de voar pra fora da rotina, planar conversas agradaveis e rir muito! Por isto , este dia do ano eu ocupo com a decoração de Natal e me inspiro em lembrar dos voos pra ver a galera.😘😘
🌲Every October 17th, the birthday celebrations 🎂 of the late master Eugenia Feodorova always brought us together at the ballet academy 🎉 which gave us the dance 💃 family. Each student left wherever they were in the world 🌍 to meet on that date in Copacabana. It was the day to get out of your routine, have pleasant conversations and laugh a lot! For this reason, this day of the year I occupy myself with Christmas decorations and I am inspired to remember the flights to see the people.😘😘
🎄Rio, 17 de Outubro de 2023.
🎄Rio, October 17th 2023.